Why Nostr?What is Njump?
Malaga2140 /
2023-10-18 16:47:49

Malaga2140 on Nostr: Nuestra enhorabuena a gzuuus por la beca recibida de OpenSats para seguir ...

Nuestra enhorabuena a gzuuus (npub1gzu…a5ds) por la beca recibida de OpenSats (npub10pe…n34f) para seguir desarrollando su cliente Nostree 👏👏👏

Bitcoin, Nostr y Open source. ¡No hay otra cosa!

Thanks OpenSats (npub10pe…n34f) for this opportunity 💜
Very interesting things are being cooked for nostree at the moment, Im really looking forward to share them with y'all

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