Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-06-03 21:50:20
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AbstractEquilibrium on Nostr: To clarify tho...gold has a lot of radioisotopes with varying decays, but most gold ...

To clarify tho...gold has a lot of radioisotopes with varying decays, but most gold is the stable non-decaying isotope. All of the gold in the Pyramids of egypt from millenia ago...still exists today somewhere.

This raises a physical question of whether any stable isotope of any element can actually stay stable forever vs. every isotope actually having a finite (if unfathomably long) halflife. It's a variant of the Halting Problem in computation theory. It's a hard problem, one that provably can't be solved using computation as we know it.

If stable isotopes do eventually decay...#bitcoin will just be that much more impressive
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