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bisq / Bisq
2023-11-28 09:19:55

bisq on Nostr: Is Bisq safe? Bisq employs three key measures to ensure security: 1. All Bitcoin ...

Is Bisq safe?

Bisq employs three key measures to ensure security:

1. All Bitcoin traded on Bisq is stored in a 2-of-2 multisignature address.

2. Both traders must submit security deposits, which are reimbursed upon completion of trades.

3. Trade disputes are resolved through a three-tier system involving end-to-end encrypted trader chat, mediation, and arbitration.

When trading fiat currency for Bitcoin, there is inherent chargeback risk, as fiat transactions can be reversed. To mitigate this risk, Bisq:

- Only supports payment methods that make chargebacks difficult, explaining why PayPal and credit cards are not supported.

- Implements a signing mechanism that enforces 0.01 BTC buy limits until a buyer's integrity (not identity) is verified.

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