Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-06-23 05:08:41
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LeviWritesBooks on Nostr: You're, or at least the ZNET article is anti CO2, and assumes there is a climate ...

You're, or at least the ZNET article is anti CO2, and assumes there is a climate crisis.

The basic assumption of this way of thinking is that the Earth is gentle (it's not), and that humans are a parasite on the planet (we're not). The fundamental philosophy of the climate crisis lie is that it would be better for Earth if every human were dead. But that's not true. It's genocidal. That climate hysteria narrative is anti-human.

Increases in CO2 reduce human deaths and increase photosynthesis efficiency, making Earth greener. Therefore, human using fossil fuels, and the CO2 released therein, is good for the planet and human flourishing.

You think the article is pro human, but it's very not.

It's neo-Marxist, anti-human garbage.
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