Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-05-23 12:58:56

Prisoner24601 on Nostr: ...

Does anybody else have (or have had) a 6 yo who suddenly (within a matter of weeks) acts like everyday they wake up is the first day of their life and they act like they don't know how to do any of the stuff that they have been doing half their life, and anything you have ever taught them appears to suddenly disappear from their brain? Like, they act like their brain has literally been wiped?

This is my oldest kid so I don't have hindsight or perspective to understand if all 6 yos are like that, or if there is really a problem.

This is right after getting As in kindergarten in all subjects all sester (govt school for now unfortunately 😡 and I get that kindergarten is not really academically vigorous, but they've been ahead of their class), with a more diverse and healthy diet than they've ever had, regular long sleep patterns, no vaccines or medicines, no discernible illnesses, and doing outdoor exercise/activities regularly...we've even been trying to avoid red 40 and other such stuff.

This pattern of behavior is straight up confounding me.

What do y'all think?

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