Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-05-24 11:56:12

Paul Allen on Nostr: Since 'protecting children' is quickly replacing 'national security' as 'pretext of ...

Since 'protecting children' is quickly replacing 'national security' as 'pretext of choice' these days, maybe it's time to program the algo in a way that weaponizes the protection of children against speech-policing feds? Flag their own content as potentially harmful to children.

Most of the stuff Biden says is either false or unintelligible, Trump used the word 'shit' at a recent rally, and that congressional catfight between MTG and AOC doesn't exactly paint members of Congress as appropriate role models.

Pull Tipper Gore and the PMRC out of retirement and have them lobby state legislators to censor feds the way that Texas censored Pornhub.

Maybe if we're unable to consume their content, they'll give up and permanently emigrate to the nations to whom they routinely demonstrate greater loyalty - Israel, Palestine, Ukraine, China, Taiwan.

If the goal is the enshitification of my state, I can say with confidence that we don't need any help from the feds.


"Rep. John Joyce (R-PA) suggested Section 230 reforms are necessary to protect children — a talking point that’s often used to erode free speech and privacy for everyone."

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