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2024-05-18 01:02:00

Farley on Nostr: Comparing the energy consumption of Bitcoin to the entire global banking industry. ...

Comparing the energy consumption of Bitcoin to the entire global banking industry.

- Annual Energy Consumption: Bitcoin mining consumes approximately 121 terawatt-hours (TWh) per year (estimate as of 2023).
- Primary Drivers: This includes the energy used by mining hardware and data centers that process Bitcoin transactions globally.

Global Banking Industry:
- Annual Energy Consumption: The global banking industry is estimated to consume around 700 TWh per year.
- Primary Drivers: This encompasses the energy used by thousands of banks, financial institutions, data centers, office buildings, ATMs, and payment processing networks worldwide.

- Bitcoin: 121 TWh/year
- Global Banking: 700 TWh/year

The global banking industry's energy consumption is significantly higher than that of Bitcoin, with the banking industry using about 5 to 6 times more energy annually. This estimate highlights the broader infrastructure and operational needs of traditional banking compared to Bitcoin's decentralized network.
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