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2024-05-22 02:45:25

Fabiano on Nostr: Both devotions happen this week: #Octave of #Pentecost and Ember days (#Embertide) of ...

Both devotions happen this week:

#Octave of #Pentecost and Ember days (#Embertide) of Pentecost

On the Octave of Pentecost

What are the Ember Days? The Ember Days are special days for prayer and fasting during the liturgical year.

#God #Deus #Isten #Gott #Jesus #Católico #Catholic #Katholik #katholisch #Katolikus #catholique #Faith #Fé #foi #信仰 #Latin #Latim #Gospel #Evangelho #Evangélium #évangile #Dieu #福音 #日本 #カトリック #Bible #Biblestr #Nostr #Grownostr
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