Why Nostr?What is Njump?
JohnBNevin / John B Nevin
2023-10-10 16:06:18

JohnBNevin on Nostr: That too is corrected by a return to sound money. There will be no need for saying ...

That too is corrected by a return to sound money. There will be no need for saying 'please give, it's needed' because giving will be understood by all to be needed. Low willingness is a function of relative poverty / scarcity mindset / zerosum blinders / acclimation to an archaic economic paradigm. Further, new tools will allow for the automatic background microtransfers that make valuable work more directly compensated by all who participate in the system. And, the micropayments being sound, savings of them will not be punished, making work today a more valuable proposition as our perspectives adapt to long-term strategies, rather than short term fears and gratification.

Most on nostr would agree that the clickbait revenue model is fiat and is corrected by a return to sound money…however, what to do about the problem of low willingness to pay for information? In old(er) times (even after 1971) there was a geographic monopoly or at least channel monopoly for content distribution. Now information transmits ubiquitously and instantaneously while pretty good content can be generated quickly and cheaply by almost anyone.

The marginal cost to produce ideas is essentially free…wouldn’t that mean good information is “worthless”?
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