Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-06-07 17:14:16

Daniel on Nostr: People think they need a government. There's no government of Bitcoin. Satoshi ...

People think they need a government. There's no government of Bitcoin. Satoshi understood how to align incentives for real people.
Never feel obligated to *prescribe* how society will function on an anarchic, Bitcoin standard. To attempt to do so is impossible, see Mises’ economic calculation problem.

You’re free to attempt to *describe* what it might look like (and I encourage those thought exercises), but never feel obligated to do so in order to counter someone who thinks anarcho-capitalism can’t work. You’ll be met with infinite goalposts. In the end, our descriptions won’t centrally plan the future society anyway. That’s what markets are for.

Instead, merely ask them what happens to the State, or for that matter any entity, when it can no longer explicitly or implicitly steal anymore. That should be sufficient to end the discussion.

Have a great weekend.
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