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Tristan / Tristan Bietsch
2024-01-29 19:35:51

Tristan on Nostr: Escrow: the most boring yet important hidden pillar of finance that you use everyday ...

Escrow: the most boring yet important hidden pillar of finance that you use everyday - And it’s going to change Bitcoin forever.

Why is it important?

Why does #Bitcoin need it?

A thread 🧵

What is escrow?

It’s a financial arrangement where a third party holds and regulates payment of the funds required for two parties involved in a transaction.

It’s absolutely vital for trust and security in every financial transaction.

Why is escrow important in finance?

It’s used everywhere – from buying a house, to online shopping.

It ensures that money changes hands only when all terms of an agreement are met.

Credit cards and marketplaces like eBay and Amazon use escrow mechanisms to protect buyers and sellers.

It’s a layer of security that’s become a standard in online transactions. Filed a dispute? Get a refund? That’s escrow in action.

However, traditional escrow hasn’t seen much innovation since the 90s. It’s often slow, expensive, and centralized.

This is where BitEscrow steps in.

Bitcoin’s irreversible transactions pose a risk - it may be a feature, but that’s all about to change.

Imagine a reversible Bitcoin transaction with escrow… This will be a game-changer - adding a layer of security to #bitcoin  transactions.

Decentralization is key with BitEscrow. Anyone can become an agent, breaking the monopoly of traditional escrow services.

This democratizes the process and enhances trust.

BitEscrow is building an API for developers - to build anything on top of it.

Want to make a #bitcoin  airbnb? A game aaset marketplace? A credit card?

That’s all now possible, making it easier than ever.

We’re also building an app for grandma to use. Super fast, super sexy, and stupid easy.

Make a contract, file disputes, and settle contracts faster than any escrow service in the world.

No paperwork needed, no banks involved. No fiat bullshit.

Want to learn more?

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