Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-03-03 20:22:27

ɅGOᏒɅ Marketplace on Nostr: It will be something like [this](https://stacker.news/items/413385/r/AGORA), similar ...

It will be something like [this](https://stacker.news/items/413385/r/AGORA), similar to [job-post](https://stacker.news/~jobs/post) type, but specifically designed to _list any arbitrary product, service, or other thing for sale or offer and includes enough structured metadata to make them useful._


This poll has been automagically [crossposted to nostr](https://iris.to/note1ant9smkxtvp0hxpznngmxvcsmdny5s0qfmkj5f2kjh9ttfdk498qvlfwdy) thanks to @bitcoinplebdev ... the result is not what I expected eheheh 😆
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