Why Nostr?What is Njump?
Layer5 (Onion Knight)
2024-05-19 03:01:47

Layer5 (Onion Knight) on Nostr: And finally, crypto. As I said before, 95% of crypto is useless gambling. Yet the ...

And finally, crypto. As I said before, 95% of crypto is useless gambling. Yet the remaining 5% is still big enough. Crypto boom is the best of the 3 cause of this 5% black market niche. Electric car and AI booms are 0% useful for newcomers.

People like stories about booms and busts, but when it comes to the black market, it's probably not gonna change much. The biggest blow to it was legalization of cannabis. Remember conspiracy faggots saying how the elites don't want the masses to realize the truth from smoking a joint? Yeah, it's complete bullshit. The state is okay with weed now, cause they figured out a way to tax it.

What's the main problem? It's the learning curve. The customers much prefer to find a local dealer who takes cash (even the ones who know how to use crypto). Tor hidden services scam and get taken down. Nostr has the same problem. It's difficult for noobs to learn and understand, but Nostr is a lot friendlier than any Tor or i2p web app. And thus Nostr has a lot of potential. Thank you, bitfags, for sponsoring this software, it's far from great, but it's the best so far.
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