Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2023-10-16 16:10:31

Mysth on Nostr: "People just got a taste of what the ETF approval will feels like." Exactly, the ...

"People just got a taste of what the ETF approval will feels like."
Exactly, the price pumped then dumped.
If you think Blackrock is your friend and has anything to gain by pumping AND holding Bitcoin, I have a bridge to sell you.

After the ETF approval, yes the price will pump, and yes it'll dump later.

Blackrock & Friends live and thrive on a fiat Standard, where the money supply is unlimited, and where they benefit disproportionately from the system through political lobbying, Cantillon effet, and price manipulation.

Going on a Bitcoin standard (with the Bitcoin price skyrocketing, and staying there) would mean all of the above is moot, and on top of that you'd have to produce actual work to expect reaping dividends and/or interest from your capital.

I wish there were more realistic and logical takes over wishful thinking, so feel free to tell me why I'm wrong.
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