Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-06-09 10:15:23

matutxo on Nostr: this guy has brain for days ...

this guy has brain for days
btw, the earthing helps through a mechanism that Jack Kruse talks about and is why humans can't live for long outside of the earth's magnetic field, and this also is an effect that related to endocrine system clocks that are evolved to sync with the normal frequencies of the earth's magnetic field resonance (schumann resonance)

too much radio waves through your body throw your clocks out of sync and then processes get steadily more broken

and it's not just all the wifi and mobile, it's also happening naturally as there is a magnetic polarity change going on from this ripply spiral wave that emanates from teh centre of the galaxy, and we are either at the edge or getting close to the asymptotic vertical part of the curve where it will flip right out, could be 10 years could be 40 years but it's almost certainly coming and there is a growing recognition of this even though it blasts a giant hole through the climate change narrative (that our weather is not impacted by solar, stellar and magnetic field effects

spoiler alert: 99.99% of the weather is from the sun throwing electrons and radiation at the atmosphere and charging up dust particles to attract water condensation and thus change air flow dynamics - the heat part of the equation is all they count, but the electrostatics actually predominate

so, anyhow, point is, if you have mobile phone around you all the time and wifi and your screen is emitting high frequency EMF and all those things, it is almost certain in my mind that getting a grounding mat and sleeping on a grounding sheet will decrease this

there was a guy who went to the ISS for a year, and came back with bones like an old woman with osteoporosis, nearly killed him

this is because without the earth's radio signal the bones don't grow and deposit calcium

boron is a new part of this equation as well, but definitely it can't hurt to earth, earthing is probably the easiest thing and will have an effect if you have got bone pain and circulation issues as these all relate to magnesium and calcium
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