Why Nostr?What is Njump?
2024-03-20 13:42:39

Flemingfarm on Nostr: BN #Nostr Yesterday's predawn grain run was bigger than the prior and it covered the ...

BN #Nostr

Yesterday's predawn grain run was bigger than the prior and it covered the last garden spot on the #farm nicely then the rest of the hill by the road. Mid day I loaded up the trailer with rocks and boulders from the wall I had built over a decade ago. The well over a ton of rocks got moved to the wall I have now built along the road where the rocks are out of the way and building a wall that won't ever have to move.

Have found #Reticulum and #RNode and am diving into them as potential. I also found that the little #LoRa board is NOT meant to be on a large antenna as I bricked one of mine... Back to the #Arduino finally and have some relearning to do as I try to build the coop door opener.

#homesteading #grownostr #farmstr #diystr #hive #peakd #dailyblog #plebchain #teachain

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