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2024-02-11 15:51:24

Flemingfarm on Nostr: #Gm #Nostr world The spring conditions are here and the farm is starting to get green ...

#Gm #Nostr world

The spring conditions are here and the farm is starting to get green grass showing, which is a month earlier than normal years. I had hoped to go paragliding yesterday but my neck and the winds wouldn't allow, so the day ended up a movie day. We started with Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure then put on Big Trouble In Little China to continue the 80s movies.

I grilled again for dinner and made Hawaiian burgers that tasted scrumptious. Beefallo burgers with ham and pineapple atop... yum.

#homesteading #grownostr #teachain🍵 #Hive #Peakd #dailyblog

Author Public Key