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2024-02-19 15:26:11

Flemingfarm on Nostr: #GM #Nostr Yesterday morning it started to snow and round after round of cells passed ...

#GM #Nostr

Yesterday morning it started to snow and round after round of cells passed over and dropped varying amounts. It looks like it will be the last as the rest of the week will be warmer. I'm perfectly okay with that since the sooner it dries out the sooner I am tilling the gardens.

Man Utd⚽ played in the morning and amazingly won, then we watched most of the NHL🏒 stadium series. Mid day we went to have drinks🍻 at Patsy's and met the resident ex-stray cat Michael Meowers who is super chill and loves being in the bar around all the various people. He plopped down on the seat next to me and got comfy.

I grilled steaks for dinner and we are running low on them so will be having to order a quarter side soon. A half would be cheaper but we don't have the freezer space for that much.

#homesteading #grownostr # sportstr #plebchain #hive #peakd #dailyblog #teachain🍵

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