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Badge Definition
Badge: Early Adopter
Author Public Key
Published at
2024-06-03 23:12:51
Kind type
30009 Badge Definition
Event JSON
{ "id": "000007aad30d60949b654e57d87c6a20d6a9db963c8d9aa42366a7142c8ba3a6", "pubkey": "958b754a1d3de5b5eca0fe31d2d555f451325f8498a83da1997b7fcd5c39e88c", "created_at": 1717449171, "kind": 30009, "tags": [ [ "d", "Early-Adopter" ], [ "name", "Early Adopter " ], [ "alt", "Badge: Early Adopter " ], [ "description", "Early Adopters are the pioneers who shape the future of innovation by taking the initial risk and paving the way for others to follow." ], [ "image", "https://i.nostr.build/zdoGy.png" ], [ "thumb", "https://i.nostr.build/zdoGy.png" ], [ "nonce", "53484", "21" ] ], "content": "", "sig": "3c135afe14622f43d0d5c6fa0ffbb8dfe9d062236536a20ba991ed00bcf56ece233ee17d9df84c52d6d9082b258d2234843c49c0fd268f4ed977d0467c32c7f0" }