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US-Made Aid Pier in Gaza to Become Operational in Two to Three Weeks /
2024-05-09 13:30:37

US-Made Aid Pier in Gaza to Become Operational in Two to Three Weeks on Nostr: Biden Administration Delays Verdict on Israel's Wartime Conduct in Gaza ...

Biden Administration Delays Verdict on Israel's Wartime Conduct in Gaza
#d86de2af ver:0.38

The Biden administration's report on Israel's conduct in Gaza is delayed, raising concerns about transparency and accountability. Former officials and human rights organizations criticize the handling of the report, calling for its public release. The response could signal a shift in the administration's approach to Israel's actions. #Israel #Gaza #transparency #accountability...

#newstr #BidenAdministration #Israel #Gaza #War #InternationalLaw #UsLaw #Weapons #MilitarySupport #HumanitarianAid #Hamas

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