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2024-03-05 15:30:27

Flemingfarm on Nostr: Mornin #Nostr It was another round of Spring snow yesterday but nicely by the ...

Mornin #Nostr

It was another round of Spring snow yesterday but nicely by the afternoon we had the main part of the storm move off and give us a nice sunny afternoon. Cold as balls this morning but will warm up nicely now with no clouds. The greenhouse is managing these temps like a pro thanks to the S9 hashing away happily and it has made more than half of what it cost already while doubling as a heater.

It's the time of the year where I am anxiously awaiting the real thaw so I can get to working the soil in the gardens in preparation for planting. Feels like I am spinning my wheels sometimes but then I calm down and remember that plants demand patience.

Today is just like any other day to #DCA #BTC

#homesteading #grownostr #farmstr #Hive #PeakD #Dailyblog #plebchain #teachain

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