Why Nostr? What is Njump?
Signet maintainer. Self-custody your passwords... in hardware! https://hax0rbana.org/signet

Cypherpunk. Infosec veteran of about 15 years (vulnerability research, exploit development and cryptography). Cypherpunks write code.

Bitcoin user since 2012. Want to see wider adoption so Bitcoin can be used as digital cash and not just an investment vehicle.

XMR: 44RDkTFmTeSetwAprJXnfpRBNEJWKvA5dBH5ZVXA4DofgoZ9AgjyZdSa2fo7pMD3Qe3pdKga8X22y3Lyn1xYde5kPQPzVUu
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[email protected]
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[email protected]
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