Why Nostr? What is Njump?
Industrial CyberSecurity Engineering LionBurr who loves tigers, photography, cooking, retro gaming, home automation, and running high quality network services.

Original EfNet #furry member. Old. 🔞 | Tiggi.es Admin | He/Him/Burrs

Tiggi.es🐯 is an LGBTQIA+🏳️‍🌈/Body Positive 👍🏾/Furry🐶/Tech💻/Geek🤓/Creative🎨/Automotive🚘/Maker🛠️/Gaming-centric👾 instance run by Burrs and pals :ms_bear_flag:

Icon by Ahruon

Runs Central US/Texas Furry Mastodon Relay server at https://relay.tiggi.es
Public Key
NIP-05 Address
[email protected]
Profile Code
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Author Public Key