Why Nostr?What is Njump?
sebastix / Sebastix
2024-05-16 13:39:17

sebastix on Nostr: Meet Me On Nostr https://nostrmeet.me/ This is an (web) app for sharing Nostr with ...

Meet Me On Nostr

This is an (web) app for sharing Nostr with your friends.
Being build by manime (npub1man…n9tn)

If you would like to learn more about this project, you could listen to this Hatching Ideas podcast episode: [https://wavlake.com/episode/441d2d08-1886-4535-a89e-927897b1c3ad](https://wavlake.com/episode/441d2d08-1886-4535-a89e-927897b1c3ad) where ManiMe is sharing his thoughts on onboarding friends in the Nostr ecosystem with Derek Ross (npub18am…p424)

🔂 cross-posted from https://ccns.nostrver.se
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