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fishcharlie / Charlie Fish
2024-01-14 22:05:09

fishcharlie on Nostr: Huge news on this! 🎉 I have submitted the patch for jb55 to review. It’s ...

Huge news on this! 🎉 I have submitted the patch for jb55 (npub1xts…kk5s) to review. It’s definitely the most complicated patch I’ve submitted to #damus by far. So I’d be surprised if there isn’t a good amount of feedback and changes I’ll need to make. But I’ll hop on those as they come in, and hopefully we can get it across the finish line soon. If you’re curious, you can view the patch here: https://groups.google.com/a/damus.io/g/patches/c/gy7WlaGYRKE
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