Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-06-25 13:39:46
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whoever relays stuff 🇵🇸🏴‍☠️🇺🇲 on Nostr: Strange that you're acting like you're not familiar with the internet When the people ...

Strange that you're acting like you're not familiar with the internet

When the people with the infrastructure don't host content for the people without infrastructure, the people without infrastructure don't have a voice

See also: old school TV and radio

This is another thing I'm amazed at how it's hard for you to wrap your head around

If you're going to run relays that don't host my content then please make sure first you have assassinated the president or taken other actions to protect me from the FCC and allow me to have similar infrastructure on equal footing with you as a fellow member of our democracy so we can have more of the talking kind of democracy and less of the shooting kind
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