Why Nostr?What is Njump?
2024-05-20 01:33:35
in reply to nevent1q…ntky

godsdeth on Nostr: What makes it even worse, is the fact that they will never tell you that they have ...

What makes it even worse, is the fact that they will never tell you that they have
switched from English to Legalese, and if that is not dishonest, underhand and
unscrupulous, then I don't know what is! If you answer the question believing that
English is being spoken, then they pretend that you are contracting with them to
become subordinate to them. Whether or not that is actually true is debatable because
that is effectively a verbal c ontract between you and them and for any contract to be
valid, there has to be full and open disclosur e of all of the terms of the contract, and
then, unreserved acceptance by both parties, and in these cases, that has most
definitely, not occurred
Author Public Key