Why Nostr?What is Njump?
mleku / mleku™️
2024-05-19 21:41:02
in reply to nevent1q…5ppl

mleku on Nostr: that's a negative on the toxicanization but subscriptions wth guys i'm doing my bit ...

that's a negative on the toxicanization but subscriptions wth guys

i'm doing my bit to make this a thing anyhow... it's not in my current work exactly but i've got pieces in place ready to do a full authed DM based CLI that will enable paying for subscriptions and no out of band website bullcrap, 100% pure #nostr

also, pay per use on a prepaid basis can work, but it has to be fairly flexible, i haven't even started to actually make a measure of what traffic actually happens, would be good to actually have accounting of how much event data actually is pulled by a client per npub and figure out a scheme for making that work

the time based subscription is probably adequate but it could be purely data based
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