Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-06-07 18:46:28

captainsidd on Nostr: The mainstream world is boiling us like frogs; slowly but surely. We are being ...

The mainstream world is boiling us like frogs; slowly but surely.

We are being divided, pillaged, and made dependent on a corporate-governmental system for our very survival on all fronts: economic, social, mental, and spiritual.

So what are we left with? A society that is tearing itself apart; there is no respect for one another, let alone self-esteem or the will to grow and create better days.

We are increasingly affected by confusion, fear, depression, anxiety, self-limitations, analysis paralysis and addictions of many forms.

The only perspective we all seem to share these days is that we cannot go on like this. Something must change.

Weathering whatever change may come will require a new mindset, new skills, and new relationships which few of us today are accustomed to developing or practicing.

We must develop sovereignty within ourselves, our families and our communities. Holding Bitcoin will not be enough.

We must develop the mindset, skills and relationships necessary to resist dependence on the system not only for goods and services, but more importantly for our sense of self, our adaptability, our feeling of security.

Without this belief in your own abilities - and the experience to back it up - you will bend the knee along with every other unprepared soul.

Developing sovereignty isn’t achievable from your couch. It isn't taught (well) on YouTube. It requires you to go out of your norm, to get uncomfortable, to experience a wider range of emotions in life. Sovereignty is its own form of Proof of Work.

And cultivating your sovereignty is the only way to weather the changes already in progress in our economy and society.

You thought the Ride of Passage was a motorcycle trip? Look a few layers deeper.

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