Why Nostr?What is Njump?
david / David
2024-05-19 18:30:33
in reply to nevent1q…axm0

david on Nostr: I think this is a great idea. And I have a solution to the bootstrap problem. The ...

I think this is a great idea. And I have a solution to the bootstrap problem.

The solution is: interpretation of proxy data “as if” it were NIP-77 formatted data. For example, if you “like” a wikifreedia article filed under Category X, my software interprets that “as if” you issued a NIP-77 attestation, to that author, in the context of X. But since like != trust (well, maybe it does and maybe it doesn’t, I have no way of knowing), I “interpret” a really low confidence, like maybe 1% or 5%. That way, we start out with a sea of NIP-77-formatted trust data. And you’ll know that if you REALLY trust someone in some context, like if I REALLY trust LynAlden (npub1a2c…w83a) to write wikifreedia articles on economics, and if I want my app to give an added boost to her other content and I’m OK with saying this publicly, then I’m gonna have to issue an actual NIP-77 attestation and set the confidence to something more meaningful than 1% or 5%. In this way, the pool of high quality contextual trust attestations can accumulate gradually.
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