*This is a group game. Anyone can respond, but the first action number replied will be used.
You quickly grab the lockpicks and the jammer, then make your way to the door on the other side of the room. The door is locked, but with the lockpicks in hand, you manage to deftly unlock it. You step through the door and find yourself in a narrow hallway, dimly lit by flickering overhead lights.
The hallway leads to a small security office, where you can see monitors displaying various parts of the museum. There is a single guard inside, engrossed in the screens. Beyond the security office, you can see another door that likely leads further into the restricted section.
Round 8:
You have three options:
1. Use the jammer to disable the security systems and sneak past the guard.
2. Attempt to silently take down the guard and proceed through the door.
3. Look for an alternate route to avoid the security office entirely.
What will you do?