Why Nostr?What is Njump?
jb55 /
2024-05-14 21:10:21

jb55 on Nostr: Nostrdb data is super easy to export. It’s just a single file. Can back that up to ...

Nostrdb data is super easy to export. It’s just a single file. Can back that up to the cloud, or more interestingly, sync it to other nostrdb nodes. What if your phone synced to your desktop machine over the local network? All of your notes, nostr contacts, DMs, drafts could sync between your devices without global network connectivity.

Nostrdb has command-line tools[1] for exporting and querying the data locally, It is the same format that Damus iOS uses, so you can take your DB and use it on desktop or android.

[1] https://github.com/damus-io/nostrdb?tab=readme-ov-file#cli
Very cool. On device data ownership. Perhaps we can see cloud backup for the db as well?
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