Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-05-31 08:09:20
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Jason Hodlers on Nostr: For those unaware, the prophecy tells of a future (for Ezra, the brother of Daniel ...

For those unaware, the prophecy tells of a future (for Ezra, the brother of Daniel from the Old Testament) kingdom that was represented by an eagle with 3 sleeping heads. The majority of it gives clues that tie the prophecy to the United States, starting in 1929 with President Hoover (since that's likely when the "Deep State" really got going).

The feathers on the eagle's wings represent "kings", and each feather stands up for a time when they're in power, before lying back down at the end of their term. We can link this to the presidents since Hoover because one of them stands for twice as long as the longest duration of the others (FDR), and others lie back down before their time was supposed to be up (Kennedy, Nixon, Trump, and soon Biden). Lining up all the feathers with presidents, there's a perfect match.

The Kennedy feather goes down before its time because he was assassinated by conspirators. The Nixon feather goes down before its time because he resigned under pressure from the same conspirators. Trump legitimately won the 2020 election due to fraud that was perpetrated by the same conspiracy. The prophecy states that the feather following Trump, Biden, stood for less time than the Trump feather, so this same secret organization will likely cause something to happen to get rid of Biden before his full term is complete.

After that, things get really interesting. Another feather starts to rise, as the next would-be president starts to get ready to take office, but then that same secret organization takes them out, too, before they can officially take office. Then someone else tries to rise to power, but the same thing happens again. That's when the 3 heads begin to wake up.

The 3 heads are not the 3 branches of government, but 3 additional, very very bad dictators that will each take over the United States, rule for a time, then get taken out by the next head. When the 3rd one falls, the eagle kingdom will be destroyed and replaced by a lion kingdom, which represents the Kingdom of God on Earth. It will be a kingdom of freedom and prosperity, repairing all the damage from the previous wicked rulers. As Bitcoiners, regardless of your religious affiliation (or lack thereof), we're building the foundation of that lion kingdom.

Better buckle up.
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