Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-06-21 17:18:52
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Mike on Nostr: I was a "bad" coder until 4GL's came along. I realised I needed to delegate and trust ...

I was a "bad" coder until 4GL's came along. I realised I needed to delegate and trust to better coders.

I was very lucky, I had a genius coder work for me. He re-wrote a colleagues year long coding project in a weekend because he could see a way to do it better and he always delivered projects with significantly more nuance and understanding than I could ever conceive.

Yet I had to encourage him as he didn't understand his own talent or worth and he also needed me to keep him focused in the correct direction and end goal.

This is him:

I employed him at Densitron, before a hostile takeover removed me.

I think the last 15 years have been safe work at interesting locations around the world, but coding slot machines for 15 years has to be boring AF.

In our time, we created a type of Wolfram Alpha, before it became the thing it is today.
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