Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-06-21 23:32:55
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vinney on Nostr: Yes. I thought we were using the term a little more colloquially to mean ...

Yes. I thought we were using the term a little more colloquially to mean "onboarding". I guess I should have phrased it as:

- if you have a social foothold, then `bootstrapping` as a term doesn't apply to you.
- if you are a ghost, then there is no bootstrapping possible for you.

Which just sort of ends up being a conversation-killer because it says "bootstrapping ain't a thing".
But it does imply the only solution: you gotta know someone to get to know anyone else.
OR: your client/app/whatever your entry point is provides something.

Consider an IRL social party venue where you're only permitted to talk to someone if you have a valid "intro". Either you go there with a friend who knows a few people and you sort of shadow them for a bit... or the venue itself hosts a "mixer" kind of event where it organizes interested people together to get to know each other.
The first case is web of influence. the second case is software-specific introductions.

An example of the second case: I install a chess game the is built on a decentralized protocol. Whoever I got the software binary from is my entry point: maybe they host one of many game servers. I'm automatically "introduced" to all the players on that server.
The worst version of this is MySpace Tom, as you point out. But it's only up from there.
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