Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-06-10 14:22:15
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Daniel Wigton on Nostr: Excellent premise, and beautifully argued as well. I wonder about trust, however. One ...

Excellent premise, and beautifully argued as well. I wonder about trust, however. One of the main points of the practice of Catholicism is to grow in trust of the Father. It is what Adam failed to do and what Christ did perfectly. "Father in to your hands I commend my spirit."

Faith and trust seem to be intrinsic to the nature of reality. See Kant's critique of reason, Gödel's incompleteness theorem, and Descartes. We can't know without believing something unproven or trusting in someone.

Bitcoiners, however, like to talk about trustless protocols. Many see Bitcoin as trustless money and want to apply similar approaches to other forms of human activity. This is a false notion.

Nothing can operate in a truly trustless fashion. We trust the core developers, we trust our hardware, we trust our cryptography, we trust that 50% of miners won't collude, we trust that societal protections will keep someone from beating us with a wrench for our keys.

I like to reason things out for myself, but I cannot prove my base assumptions, nor can I personally verify all the spiritual and behavioral guides that I need to live well. I need to outsource my reasoning to something I trust. For me the only guide that has agreed 100% with everything I can reason for myself is the Catholic Church. Maybe that is because I am a cradle catholic, but it's batting average is too good. Giving it my trust as a proxy to trusting God is practical.

So I agree, Bitcoiners need the Catholic Church, but not only as a natural fit, but also as a correction.
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