Why Nostr?What is Njump?
mleku / mleku™️
2024-05-08 16:36:39

mleku on Nostr: "gradually and then suddenly" is a meme in the bitcoin/nostr community, but many ...

"gradually and then suddenly" is a meme in the bitcoin/nostr community, but many people don't know it's based on physical laws

in the simple example of state changes, the distance between the change to gas or the change to liquid is the last 3% or so... in terms of celsius, at 4`C it's still liquid, and then at around 1-2`C you start to see crystallisation start suddenly, likewise at the opposite end, it is only at around 95 it starts to bubble a lot (state change from liquid to gas) but isn't really going hard until you push it to 98`C and at that point there is so much gas being formed that the whole pot empties onto your bench

pH is another one... it follows a logarithmic curve, each pH unit is 10x the one before... almost every chemistry student has tried to titrate a solution to pH 7 and the speed with which it goes from 8 to 6 is incredible
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