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BenGunn / The Ben Gunn
2024-02-28 10:36:24

BenGunn on Nostr: "Hey Ben! Been ages bro! Hows it going? Seen Bitcoin? Is it a good time to buy then? ...

"Hey Ben!
Been ages bro! Hows it going? Seen Bitcoin? Is it a good time to buy then? I found a guy on YouTube who does really good trading lessons, loads of followers, he makes 100k an hour from his yacht, do you know him? <insert degen link>
Heard Ripple is the new one to buy - thoughts? We still need to get my coins off the exchange but i want a HWW that holds DonkeyVisionToken - which one is the best for that?
When are you back in <PovertyDistrictUK> ?
Question - when you buy bitcoin where does the money go? Into the blockchain? What if the internet, power and water goes down and there's a nuclear war - does bitcoin still work? Still feels risky to me? Thoughts?
I have an old coinbase account - are they still good?

Got any thoughts ben?
Thoughts please
Think for me, but i'll prob ignore you b/c the mrs doesn't get it.

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