Why Nostr?What is Njump?
Jeff Swann
2024-05-19 19:00:07
in reply to nevent1q…w04x

Jeff Swann on Nostr: Defining good & evil outside of any connection to reality is just delusion. It ...

Defining good & evil outside of any connection to reality is just delusion.

It doesn't really sound like you & I mean the same thing when we say "God."

The Bible is an extremely difficult book. It was written before any clear distinction between the subjective & the objective really existed. And it is full of metaphors & idioms from dead languages that just do not translate well. And I think some of the results of the story (or stories) have been confused into the telling itself.

As CS Lewis would say, when the writer comes back on stage it's the end of the show. Be careful what you wish for.

This life is the gift, there is nothing better to escape to. It is our responsibility to bring heaven to earth. No one is coming to save you, the events of the past have already given us all the stories we need to educate ourselves & others in order to avoid making the same mistakes.
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