Why Nostr?What is Njump?
mleku / mleku™️
2024-05-19 20:39:12

mleku on Nostr: man, i have had a very full weekend... big adventure on a dilapidated cliffside road ...

man, i have had a very full weekend... big adventure on a dilapidated cliffside road with my bike, repaired a puncture, i'm completely splattered right now, probably doesn't help that my butt is sore from the bicycle

gonna sleep well tonight and then back to werk tomorrow last week of the project, mostly just gonna be a bit of bugfixing and lots of documentation and some marathon sessions with the colleague prepping for our demo

gotta even figure out how we are gonna do that... i've told him to install linux on his new laptop so hopefully when i hear from him next he's got linux so the wireguard setup is easy
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