Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-05-16 14:34:50
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L0la L33tz on Nostr: 100% -> The entire Tornado Cash verdict is completely insane and will turn the ...

100% ->

The entire Tornado Cash verdict is completely insane and will turn the legality of building any privacy service on its head.🧵

1. Open-source devs building non-custodial tools can be held responsible for criminal activity when crim. actors cannot be stopped or deanonymized👇

2. TC cannot be classified as a communications service despite the fact that that's exactly what TC is: a tool to communicate transactions between users. It does not matter whether TC took custody of funds. 👇

3. Building an unstoppable privacy system is laid out to suggest criminal intent.👇

4. TC dev was aware of money laundering activity in TC, laid out as intentional participation in the act. 👇

5. Devs are fully responsible when their open source code is used for criminal activity through the development of source code and UIs. 👇

As predicted, the verdict references FATF, which has no regulatory powers and operates with zero democratic oversight. https://www.therage.co/meet-fatf-the-financial-bullies-memberclub/

The assumption that "criminal intent lies with the individuals and not the tools they use" seems void with the TC verdict. This verdict is a full on declaration of war against privacy service in existence.

FYI I am not a legal scholar and this is just my opinion
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