Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-06-03 15:18:02
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captainsidd on Nostr: That which you give attention to grows - learning and observing this in everyday life ...

That which you give attention to grows - learning and observing this in everyday life has been very helpful for me.

Purpose has been the most helpful. Having a direction and not giving up, working with others to help get through blockers, and offering value to others.

I'm rereading the book Think and Grow Rich. I read it once in 2020 when I had a 9-5 job and it struck me as fairly obvious. Now I am picking up on deeper meanings and threads between the lines.

Ultimately I don't think any of this that you're talking about - a sovereign mind / body - can be told to anyone; it has to be understood through personal experience.

Good luck and if you ever want to talk, I'm happy to bounce ideas around. Love this stuff.
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