Why Nostr?What is Njump?
2024-05-19 23:02:16
in reply to nevent1q…r38e

Brisket on Nostr: You cannot control your emotions any more than you can control your thoughts. You can ...

You cannot control your emotions any more than you can control your thoughts.

You can control your beliefs & the agreements that you make with yourself. These beliefs shape your reactions to events & the thoughts & emotions that arise.

Don't try to control your emotions but feel them & let them flow through you. What are the beliefs that cause fear within you?

Fear is at the heart of all your negative emotions. You have nothing to fear if you know who you truly are.

Those that live with fear are easy to control.

Greed is the fear of scarcity, of not having enough.

Anger stems from the belief that things are being done to you & not for you.
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