Why Nostr?What is Njump?
2024-03-04 12:58:49

Tony on Nostr: Noticed a super weird thing when visiting https://bitcoin.org/ru/resources : Only the ...

Noticed a super weird thing when visiting https://bitcoin.org/ru/resources :

Only the first link leads to a resource in Russian (albeit pretty outdated), the rest are in English.

We’ve got a beautiful actively maintained open source community-driven 21ideas (npub1lm3…3c7l) project, which translates and collects all the essential articles, guides and other materials on #Bitcoin in Russian.

Website: https://21ideas.org

GitHub: https://github.com/21ideas-org/21ideas.org

Can anyone give a suggestion on how to add it to the suggested resources on the official Bitcoin website?

cc: Gigi ⚡🧡 (npub1der…xzpc) Jameson Lopp (npub17u5…t4tp)
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