Why Nostr?What is Njump?
mleku / mleku™️
2024-05-08 13:53:21
in reply to nevent1q…uhq2

mleku on Nostr: ah yes, regarding paramagnetism, which entrains strong magnetic fields (paramagnetic ...

ah yes, regarding paramagnetism, which entrains strong magnetic fields (paramagnetic materials are permeable to magnetic fields but don't hold them) they are a common component of volcanic rock, and some say that they are very good for plant growth

being that i'm of the opinion that more magnetic flux = more life, i think that is very true, and as the earth's field becomes weaker, the danger to living things is going to get more and more as less and less the field protects

places like Madeira and central Italy and Iceland and everywhere there is recently (hundreds of thousands of years) active volcanoes or massive para- and ferromagnetic deposits, where the field is naturally stronger, will be the safest places to be, assuming tehy are high enough and far enough from tsunami and storm systems, and not near a shallow magma reservoir (eg yellowstone)

i think the reason why madeira has such a starkly different north and south regions is because the dominant air currents that carry the air, at all, flow from the north sea down to the equator, and as such, all the water hits this paramagnetic blob and instantly gets stuck to the ample dust from the constantly decaying young volcanic rock (which is also more paramagnetic than old land dust) and combine that with the frequent flux of dust from the sahara, again more nucleation potentials, and it explains why the weather is so strange here

i prefer it on the north, this is where the rain falls directly... but in the south, it is perfect subtropical paradise with few days of cloud and rain and low albedo leading to constant warm condtions... it's much cooler here on the south, and i prefer it, though sometimes i curse it

anyway, mister space weather is always going on about the eastern rockies but i think that any place there is a dense volume of paramagnetic and ferromagnetic rock is safer to be, from around 500-1000m above sea level, and i think that the balkans, the mountainous regions of southeast africa, the himalayas and the siberian mountains, and probably the higher parts of australia and new zealand are the place to hole up while the galactic pole shift spiral passes through

humans have survived these cycles for over 200,000 years and i have no reason to believe that we are in for another episode like the one that almost wiped us out 75000 years ago

but it could be a decade or more of no electricity and no global internet and no global market

plan accordingly
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