Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-05-29 09:50:08

captainsidd on Nostr: I know many of you are disappointed that the Ride of Passage is on motorcycles. A van ...

I know many of you are disappointed that the Ride of Passage is on motorcycles.

A van trip would be more inclusive and easier, but that's not the point of a Ride of Passage.

The Ride of Passage is on motorcycles because each ride is designed to push your comfort zone.

Motorcycles are optimized for growth, challenge, and thrill - not comfort.

Taking a van wouldn't create the experience I want to have. We need to rough it - in the right ways.

My first motorcycle ride was the 3 hour mountain road to Pai, where I almost wiped out multiple times.

Was it comfortable? Not at all. Did I grow in a massive way? Undeniably.

Now the Ride of Passage is NOT about putting your life in danger - but it's not a vacation either.

I've designed the Ride of Passage to push your boundaries, within limits.

Many parts will feel like a high end tour, from 5-star hotels to incredible local food and personal connections.

Others may have you going, "why the hell did I sign up for this?"

But I guarantee when it's all said and done, you will be glad you came on the ride.

The defeated challenges, conquered fears, expanded horizons and deeper bonds forged through a Ride of Passage will be worth the time away from home.

This is not a vacation. It is far more rewarding. This will shake you out of a rut. Quite literally change your life.

Join one or hear about future rides (on and off motorcycles): https://rideofpassage.live
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