Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-01-19 13:14:50

L0la L33tz on Nostr: Statistics like these make chain analysis firms look like your friends. They're not. ...

Statistics like these make chain analysis firms look like your friends. They're not. Here's why:

Statistics showing that the overall use of cryptocurrencies is *not* illicit help us fight FUD. They're also necessary for chain analysis companies to keep existing: no cryptocurrencies, no business model.

The problem arises with how chain analysis firms *calculate* the use of illicit transactions, as this includes the use of privacy technologies.

For example, every transaction involved in a coinjoin is flagged as illicit by chain analysis firms. This completely distorts the overall volume of illicit transactions. The actual volume of illicit transactions (hacked funds, sanctioned entities, etc) is *much lower*.

Privacy is not just a human right, it is also outlined in the US constitution via the 4th amendment, as well as via federal financial privacy regulations.

If you want to have an intellectually honest debate about illicit transaction volume, stop criminalizing privacy.

For context: Every coinjoin/"mixing" transaction is deemed as incompliant by blockchain analysis software by default and therefore "illicit".
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