Why Nostr?What is Njump?
TheSameCat /
2024-05-18 17:37:06
in reply to nevent1q…way5

TheSameCat on Nostr: I believe any time science and my religion (Catholic) are in conflict, it means my ...

I believe any time science and my religion (Catholic) are in conflict, it means my understanding of one or the other is faulty. If you believe in an orderly God, and not one of chaos, then it follows that the Universe should be explainable and orderly. Even chaos is subject to laws, and randomness is only a perception caused by limited understanding.

That being said, this Universe being as carefully tuned as it is to sustain the evolution and survival of life is such a long shot, that it could be said to be statistically impossible. Both the religious and the "scientific" minded at that point revert to theories (non-scientific ones) about the answer to that problem. Those who do not believe in a god will point to things like multiverse theory - every possible universe exists - whereas the religious can say that God kicked things off just the right way at the time of the big bang.

Neither is falsifiable, testable, or observable, and at the end of the day unscientific. Accepting God does not necessitate rejecting science though, and accepting science still leaves room for God.
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