Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-06-25 17:40:09
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mleku on Nostr: beautiful example of the most common type of Go application, a custom webserver a ...

beautiful example of the most common type of Go application, a custom webserver

a nip-05 can be written in Go with like 10 lines of code

anyhow, https://github.com/fiatjaf/njump/blob/master/go.mod here you see it uses khatru, go-nostr and nostr-sdk code, that's the "legwork" part for taking notes and making them into HTML (using templates)

if you ever got inclined to learn #golang a simple one like that, connect up to a set of relays, then accept URLs with nevent and event IDs and really it's then just a matter of writing a truncated hash scheme like i was talking about, and each event can have a 13 character base32 identifier, and for these index/section/contents pages they can then fan out to pick up the referenced articles
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