Why Nostr? What is Njump?
2024-06-08 00:43:55
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Tortuga on Nostr: The rub here is that you still need a place to live. And so you’re going to spend ...

The rub here is that you still need a place to live. And so you’re going to spend ~28,000 (2,350/m average for a single family home, rough number) per year to live somewhere no matter what, which means over thirty years you’re dropping almost 850k on somewhere to live that you don’t own.

Now, how much do you value not HAVING to move when some owner wants to take their home back? This also assumes the rent doesn’t increase over 30 years, highly unlikely. Is that worth the 100-200-250k you’ll spend on the house? Will the house appreciate that amount?

Houses are good investments if you live in them, because their not investments their expenses.
Author Public Key